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Double your Testosterone in 30 days

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127 pages – 100% action oriented
Download instantly
Free lifetime updates
Complete T-Boosting meal plan
24 weeks T-Boosting workout plan
30 days money back Guarantee

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Every man should get this ebook




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Well detailed and explained




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in one word Perfect!






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Do you experience these low-T signs ?

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If your testosterone level is too low, you will experience the following things:
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❌ Feeling Tired all the time
❌ Feeling depressed most of the time
❌ Feeling tired at work
❌ Struggle to gain muscle
❌ Struggle to gain the attention from attractive women
❌ Struggle in the bedroom and lack of libido
❌ Don’t have enough energy to play with your kids or spend time with your family
❌ Lack motivation in life
❌ Can’t lose your excess body fat

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If you recognize yourself in one or more of the above points there is a good chance that your testosterone level is too low.

Having low testosterone is one of the worst things that can happen to a man. Without testosterone you’re a shadow of the person you can be with adequate T levels. It is the hormone of masculinity.

It is what makes you motivated, energetic, and ambitious.

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Since 30 years men have lost an alarming 40% of their Testosterone

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Scientific studies are show extremely alarming data, men have less testosterone every year. For more than 30 years, testosterone in men has been dropping continuously and it’s not stopping!

This is due to many things… Our lifestyles are not optimal for testosterone production.
There are many things in our environment that negatively affect our testosterone (but this can be changed).
Diet, environment, habits, physical activity, food supplements… all these things drastically affect your testosterone levels.

The good news is that you can impact your T levels by doing the right things. 

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There is few reason to understand how to optimize your T levels

You will save time & money, TRT costs 150 to 1500$ A MONTH

Get one of the most holistic courses on men’s health & T optimization

I designed this Book so you get 10x of your investment back (Testosterone is life changing)

Optimize not only Testosterone BUT ALSO: metabolism, feel good chemicals like dopamine, recovery, aesthetics, deeper voice, & more Become healthy and maintain your health by becoming your own health guru.

Get an insane amount of knowledge easily to understand & to apply


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The Importance of Healthy Testosterone – Why high low testosterone is fundamental for leading a healthier, happier, & more productive life.

The Science of Testosterone – What is testosterone and how does your body actually manufacture it.

The Symptoms of Low Testosterone – Discover what the major signs of low testosterone are and what you need to look out for.

What causes low testosterone – Uncover which of your daily habits, and common household items you use daily are lowering your testosterone.

Blood Work Interpretation – What key biomarkers to look for in your testosterone test to identify if your blood work is causing you devastatingly low testosterone levels.

Optimizing Diet – Learn which major foods you’re eating that are killing your testosterone levels. PLUS, what foods you must eat to optimise your testosterone production.

Lifestyle Changes – How to eliminate your exposure to toxic chemicals that are destroying your testosterone levels. PLUS, how to increase your total & free testosterone levels the easy way.

Training – Why the WRONG type of exercise will lower your testosterone levels, and how to optimise your training to ramp up your testosterone levels.

Experimental Ideas – THE TRUTH ABOUT DIPPING YOUR TESTES IN ICE. Will it boost testosterone or is it a load of BS? Will Fire Dancing increase Testosterone? Learn which crazy ideas are legitimate & which you must ignore.


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Start now



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eBook Testomax™

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127 pages – 100% action oriented
Download instantly
Free lifetime updates
Double your testosterone naturally in 30 days
30 days money back Guarantee

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$97 $24

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How is testosterone produced (page 4)
Nutrition for huge testosterone boost (page 11)
180% more testosterone in only 16 hours (do this)
Complete meal plan (page 28)
Physical activity for optimal hormonal response (page 36)
24 weeks workout plan to skyrocket T-levels! (page 41)
30% more testosterone in 2 minutes with a proven hack(page 77)
Optimal sexual function and libido (page 85)
One testosterone killer to avoid at all costs (page 103)
And much more…



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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Chris”]

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Paradigm shifting. Every man need to know this info.

This book opened my eyes to something that I personally had reservations about. Totally shifted my perspective in more ways than one. This book is filled with so much important information.


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Mike”]

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The ONLY Guide for Supreme Health!


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Samir”]

[gap height=”10px”]

Compulsive reading for any bloke wanting to make lifestyle improvements.
Wish I’d read this year’s ago but better late than never.
Big thanks to the authors.


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Jane Bit”]

[gap height=”10px”]

Perfect, very well explained I recommend


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Sam”]

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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Eliot”]

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Buy it, read it, absorb it… and MOST of all ACT on it!


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Allan”]

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Simple and useful reading.


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”John”]

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This book was so much better than digging through information online. Everything you need from a good source.


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Eric”]

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The health industry pays less attention to men’s health. Disagree? Then answer this: what is the equivalent of a gynecologist for men? How many men discuss male health with their doc for every 100 women talking to their gynecologist? The industry may not pay enough attention to mens health, but you and I have to.

This book is exhaustive. Almost everything you need to know about male health is here.


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Volkan”]

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I think you’ll be very happy with your purchase. Best gym gains ever since I read the ebook btw!


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Loyd”]

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So much valuable information.


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[testimonial pos=”center” name=”Andrej”]

[gap height=”10px”]

excellent book. very easy to understand and follow. As men age there is a great likelihood that you will experience low testosterone levels, low libido, low energy, and an increase in your body fat. Why would you want to live like that. why don’t you want to achieve the maximum benefits that a normal testosterone level can give you such as increased energy, increased libido, more lean muscle mass and all the benefits associated with that.




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